Fox Valley Labor News
Jennifer Rice/staff photographer
Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017

The inside of Painters District Council 30 was transformed into a winter wonderland by its apprentices. In the weeks leading up to its annual Breakfast with Santa event, apprentices paint the structures inside the school to look like the North Pole.

The Plascencia family took a photo with Santa Claus. Parents Juan and Danae brought their sons Max, Elias and daughter Leamsi.

Children were in for a real treat when they saw real, live reindeer at the Christmas event. With the help of Santa’s helpers, children got to touch and take a picture with the reindeer.

The day wouldn’t be complete without making reindeer food! Children could make their own bags by scooping oats with glitter into bags. On Christmas Eve, all they have to do is sprinkle the reindeer food on their lawn. The shiny glitter will sparkle in the moonlight and the smell of the oats will guide Rodolph to their home.

A mother helps her daughter, 4-year-old Nicole, write a Christmas letter to Santa Claus. When asked if she’s been naughty or nice, she stressed to her mother she’s been good! After the letters were written, they were dropped in a special mail box that goes directly to the North Pole.

Along with meeting Santa Claus and getting a picture taken with reindeer, children could also make several holiday crafts to take home. Several tables were set up as crafting stations. Here, two boys make necklaces to take home.

A mother helps her daughter put the finishing touches on her reindeer ornament.