Rally for Cat workers, 10 a.m., Saturday, July 14, 2200 Channahon Road, in Rockdale. IAM 851 has been on strike for 10 weeks. In June, Caterpillar made it clear that it will no longer work with the workers for a fair contract and is taking actions to replace striking workers. Caterpillar has a long history of union busting and strike ending. The latest contract by Caterpillar offers lower-wages, higher healthcare costs, and forced early-retirement while at the same time the company is making record profits. The main goal this weekend is to boost the workers’ moral and to help them strategize their cause more effectively. If you can, please come support them in Joliet this weekend. If you are part of any union, group, or organization, please try to get them out. Bring your friends, family, your church, your co-workers, anyone! This fight is bigger, as we live in a time where corporations are making record profits while the quality of life for working families are going down. Stand with working families, and don’t let Corporate greed win!