
Fox Valley Labor News

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Email: info@foxvalleylabornews.com

Since 1918, the Labor News has been the local leader in labor news for Northern Illinois. An independent newspaper published monthly, 12 times a year, we are a strong advocate for men and women who labor for a living. We strive to present Union news and views that promote, educate and build understanding between Union members and their communities.

What can we do for unions?
– Publicize your activities
– Investigate issues and present all sides objectively
– Educate readers on why we need unions and what they do for workers

What can unions do for us?
– Keep us informed on events you’re involved in, issues, and stories you think would be of interest
– Educate us and help us understand so we can help our readers understand
– Subscribe to our print newspaper individually, or for all the members of your local union
– Advertise with us so we may continue to be an advocate for you

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Regarding the issue with Judy Biggert speaking with small business’s at a round table discussion on the economy (her words) in the community. Who does she thing she is fooling when she sits with Caterpillar? Small business my backside! They are a huge multi national coorporation. Shame on her and shame on us if we let her become our representative in congress yet again!

  2. It has been reported the Bruce Rauner, the GOP candidate for Illinois governor, has made a $1 million deposit at a minority owned credit union on Chicago’s south side.

    Rauner claims his action was in support of such businesses and the people of the community.

    A more cynical view of his action, and potentially honest view, is that Rauner is attempting to buy minority votes for the upcoming election.

    If he believes in the power of minority owned businesses, did he support such enterprises before he decided to run for office? If so, to what extent? Such information is not forthcoming. If he says he would run a more transparent administration, let him prove it!

  3. The Republican response to President Barrack Obama’s State of the Union speech was delivered by first-time U.S. Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa.

    While she couldn’t make points of the President’s failings, what with the economy on a definite upswing, she could only fall back on the old saw of that if you get your hands dirty – like she said she did as a girl – and work hard you will be a success.

    I wonder of the Koch brothers or Sherman Adelson ever got their hands dirty. Seems like all they do is dump money on the GOP for their own benefit. In my opinion, the big money doesn’t really care for or even see the middle classes or lower.

  4. Questions for Allen Skillicorn.
    If you live in the 66th House District, you should be asking Allen Skillicorn these questions:
    1.Do you support Gov. RRauner’s turnaround agenda aka the ‘ Runaground Agenda? ‘
    2. Will you follow Rep. Moeller ‘ s ( D-Elgin ) lead and not accept a state pension?
    3. The state budget includes Healthcare, Education, and public safety. So what specifically will you cut?
    4.If you are elected , you will be in the minority party. How have you worked with people you disagreed with to advance your proposals on the East Dundee Village Board?

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