Fox Valley Labor News staff reports
Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017
CHICAGO — The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is subcontracting the mylar wrapping of buses, train cars and platform advertising to a non-signatory, New York-based Intersection Media, which specializes in digital, narrative, branded content and documentary projects.
According to Painters District Council 14 (PDC 14), the CTA is claiming Intersection Media’s work is NOT construction work, and therefore, does not fall under the jurisdiction of PDC 14.
The union disagrees, saying the work in question falls under PDC 14’s jurisdiction — and has for more than 11 years. The union said mylar wrapping is merely a different form of paint or protective coating.
Since early September, PDC 14 has been protesting Intersection Media, but the union ramped up its efforts Oct. 1 with a large labor rally, which coincided with the CTA’s 70th Anniversary celebration at Daley Plaza.
PDC 14 has a Project Labor Agreement with the CTA, which the CTA is refusing to honor with the union.
Voice your displeasure with the CTA by contacting them:
Phone: 888-968-7282
Online: Web: CTA feedback and Facebook