IBEW Local 461 President and Instructor Mark Seppelfrick, center, stands with his graduates, which include, from left, Joseph St. Germain, Trent Wolf, Ryan Blake and Jason Harvey. Not pictured is Mark Bryant II. Jennifer Rice/staff photographer

By Jennifer Rice
Managing Editor
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Email Jennifer Rice at: jen@foxvalley
AURORA — Five years ago, a group of young men were accepted into the IBEW apprenticeship training during a time when the industry was struggling and unpredictable.
Unaware what the future had in store for them, they continued, knowing the training they received would launch them into a career — not just a job working paycheck-to-paycheck.
Five years later, with the economy on the upswing, these five apprentices attended their graduation ceremony June 3 at Aurora’s Two Brothers Roundhouse and transitioned to journeymen, in this event the vibrant colors of the graduation banner illuminated the venue and everything was great.
“You’ll be successful, and you’ll be able to supply everything you need for your families, if you . . . work hard, learn, listen, and try to improve yourself every day,” said IBEW Local 461 Business Manager Joel Pyle. “All of you are going to have great careers ahead of you. You all are top-notch guys.”

IBEW Local 461 Business Manager Joel Pyle stressed the new graduates are the future of the IBEW. “Our future is as bright as you guys want to make it,” Pyle added. Jennifer Rice/staff photographer

Graduates include reclassification graduate Jason Harvey as journeyman wireman; and apprentice graduates Ryan Blake, Mark Bryant II, Joseph St. Germain and Trent Wolf as journeyman wireman-electricians.
Pyle encouraged the graduates to continue their education, come to union meetings and get involved in IBEW programs like RENEW, which focuses on issues important to younger workers.
Ronda Kliman, area representative with the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship said attending graduation ceremonies are the best part of her job.
“You’ve dedicated yourself to be our next skilled and trained workforce, and we thank you,” Kliman said.