The grand prize finalist from the 8th Annual STARs event, from left, include IUPAT Local 1285 members Paul Patchik and Enrique Mendoza; IUPAT Local 448 members Hector Ortiz, Juan Arriaga and Jamie Zamudio. Zamudio had the golden ticket in his box, earning him the right to choose one of four vehicles of his choice. The other members went home with $1,000. Brenda Bazan/staff photographer

By Jennifer Rice
Managing Editor
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Email Jennifer Rice at: jen@foxvalley
You can view the video of PDC 30 finalists opening their boxes by going to the Fox Valley Labor News YouTube channel
AURORA — This years 8th Annual Safety Training Awards Recognition (STARs) Ceremony & Member Picnic had more RSVPs than ever before — more than 900. Unfortunately, the unusual frigid weather kept many of them home.
But IUPAT members who were eligible (through earned credit hours and hours worked) for the grand prize of their choice of one of four vehicles, made sure they were at the event, held at Painter District Council 30 in Aurora.
Five IUPAT members, Paul Patchik, Enrique Mendoza, Hector Ortiz, Juan Arriaga and Jamie Zamudio were randomly selected for the opportunity of choosing a golden ticket — allowing them the choice of four different vehicles.
Zamudio selected lucky box No. 3, and walked away with a new Ford F150 pickup from Valley Ford.

Out of four vehicles to choose from, IUPAT Local 448 member Jamie Zamudio chose the new Ford F150 pickup from Fox Valley Ford, who sponsored the grand prize give-away. Brenda Bazan/staff photographer
The other members didn’t go home empty handed, they each received $1,000.
A secondary grand prize also was given away. Members had their choice of a vacation package, kitchen remodel, fishing boat or an ATV. IUPAT member Lucy Dodson was selected, and chose to take home the Arctic Cat ATV.

The family-friendly event had something for everyone: entertainment, food, raffles and carnival rides. Money, for some raffles, was donated to the Painters and Allied Trades for Children’s Hope (PATCH) Foundation, which supports youth institutions and programs to help ensure children in need have the opportunities to live lives of pay and comfort.
It’s difficult to think the STARs event can outdo itself every year, but every year, the event never fails to impress. The yearly increase of RSVPs is proof of its success.