Laborers Local 68 in Lombard hosted a fundraiser April 25 at its hall for Rep. Deb Conroy, who is running in the 47th House District. As the incumbent, Conroy is facing Heidi Holan of Glen Ellyn, a staunch Tea Partier who is being funded by Dan Proft, former Republican candidate for Illinois governor. Conroy described her race as an ideological fight. “My opponent is very anti-union, anti-regular schools. She doesn’t reflect the district. My district is a middle-class, working district, which is who I am, so it makes it easy for me,” Conroy explained. Conroy is pictured with, from left, Laborers Local 68 Organizer Bryan Hacker; Laborers Local 68 Vice President Michael Van Wagner; Laborers Local 68 Business Manager Joe Riley; Rep. Deb Conroy; Laborers Local 68 Secretary/Treasurer Mark Riley; Laborers Local 68 Field Representative Sergio Ayala and SMART 265 Business Representative Bob Baier. Jennifer Rice/staff photographer