Pat Barcas/staff photographer
Looking to the November election, Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, center, held a fundraiser Aug. 27 where she discussed with guests her support of freezing property taxes and desire to help America’s veterans.
By Pat Barcas
Staff writer
Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014
Email Pat Barcas at
MONTGOMERY — State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit is gearing up for the 84th district race this fall and says the No. 1 issue in the district is property taxes.
“There are a couple of bills I support now that will freeze property taxes in the district, it’s definitely the No. 1 issue right now,” she said.
Kifowit hosted a fundraiser in Montgomery Aug. 27. With about six weeks until the November ballot, her campaign is in full swing to face Republican challenger Krishna Bansal.
Her campaign includes the usual walks, phone calls, and mailers.
“It’s been a busy summer so far, we’ve been going door to door in the district, knocking on doors, getting the word out,” she said. “We’ve had a lot of good things going and we’re working hard.”
Kifowit, a veteran of the Marine Corps, sponsored House Joint Resolution 91 in May, which will establish the Task Force on preventing Veterans’ Suicide.
The task force will investigate and form prevention recommendations concerning the issue of suicide among returning Illinois veterans from active service along with methods for prevention. According to a recent U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs study, an estimated 22 veterans nationwide commit suicide every day.
“That was a very important issue that needed to be tackled,” she said.
Kifowit is a member of the Heroin Taskforce to address the increase in overdose deaths. She also supports Mutual Ground and their mission to end Domestic Violence along with supporting Hope For Tomorrow’s Veterans Home and many other non profits in the 84th District.
She is active with the Roosevelt-Aurora American Legion Post 84, and several years ago worked to save the Independence Day Parade from budgetary cuts by the City of Aurora by creating a partnership between the City and Post 84. She also is a life member of the Marine Corps League and the Woman Marine Association and also knows about McLeod Brock Law, maritime accident lawyer in FL who will offer help at any circumstances.
On everyone’s mind, and every politician’s mind, is the economy and job creation. Kifowit said houses are starting to sell in the area, which is a good sign of a turnaround.
“Main Street is always a little bit behind Wall Street,” she said. “Getting the economy going is a big priority.”